- 13 Nov 2023
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- DarkLight
- Updated on 13 Nov 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
How to Determine if you have LED or Halogen Tail Lamps - You can easily tell which lamp type by the position of the Reverse Lamp
LED - Reverse Lamp is in the center of the lamp
Halogen - Reverse Lamp is at the bottom of the lamp
Rear-View Camera Showing Lines in Reverse:
The issue you're encountering with the rear-view camera scanning or showing lines in reverse is due to the camera's refresh rate being slower than the PWM Duty Cycle of the LED in the Reverse Light Modules. Unfortunately, there's currently no solution for this.
If you're wondering why OEM LED reverse lights don't exhibit this behavior, it's because the OEM reverse LEDs are not bright enough to cause this phenomenon.
Screws Broken or Stripped:
Regrettably, this won't be covered under warranty. After thorough investigation, we've confirmed that the issue is primarily a result of overtightening the screws during installation. Over-tightening can lead to small stress fractures that may not be immediately noticeable but worsen over time due to road vibrations, resulting in the issue you're currently experiencing.
Although this may not be the answer you expected, we have certain warranty terms to follow. However, we're pleased to offer you a discount on replacement(s). If you're interested, please provide your shipping address along with your requirements for passenger/driver or both tail lights, and we'll send you a PayPal invoice for a convenient checkout.
Issues with the Plug Connecting:
The plugs used in these lights are Weather-Pack Connectors, and they require a significant amount of force to securely lock in place. If you're experiencing difficulty, we recommend trying again with more force.
Tail-Light Fitment Concerns:
To address concerns about tail-light fitment around the body and any gaps:
First, ensure that the tail-light is positioned flush with the body panel on all sides. Be sure to pull the 10mm bolt outward to prevent any obstructions.
Second, while holding the tail-light in place, fasten the bolt.
If you still observe uneven gaps after following these steps, slightly loosen the bolt and push the light in before fastening it.
For a more detailed guide on proper fitment installation, you can watch the video at the following link: Link to Proper Fitment Video.
Reverse Lights Staying On:
If you're experiencing reverse lights that stay on, first, check if you have a Tazer installed. The Z-Automotive Tazer Mini has a built-in feature where pressing the unlock button five times turns on the reverse lights. To turn them off, simply press the lock button.
Issues with Both Turn Signals and Signal Out Error:
In cases where both turn signals aren't flashing, and you see a signal out error on the dashboard, it's essential to determine if your vehicle is an Export Jeep (Non-US Spec). You can use the photos below as a reference.
Export Spec Jeeps in the EU have a separate amber signal in the rear, as required by law. This means there's a separate wire for the turn signal, unlike the US/CA spec, which uses the same wire for brake/signal. As a result, the turn signal won't work for EU spec Jeeps unless a programmer like Tazer or JSCAN is used to reconfigure the rear lights for US/CA spec. This reconfiguration should be done at the user's own risk, considering local road laws.